Suspended Licenses
Suspended Licenses
Driving in Florida is not a right guaranteed to all. Florida law deems driving a privilege which is only permitted upon obtaining the necessary driver’s license from the State of Florida Department of Motor Vehicles..
Driving in Florida is not a right guaranteed to all. Florida law deems driving a privilege which is only permitted upon obtaining the necessary driver’s license from the State of Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. The law requires that this driving license be kept in good status. There are many ways you can lose your driving privilege. Your failure to properly address traffic tickets can suspend your driver’s license. This can include failing to pay court costs or fines, failing to appear in court, or failing to go to defensive driving school when ordered to attend by a judge. You can also have your license suspended for failing to pay child support, failing to keep your insurance current, having a judgment against you for damages which arose out of an accident for which you did not carry insurance. Additionally, certain criminal charges such as DUI or conviction for drug involvement can suspend your driving privileges for a specified period of time.

It is of the utmost importance that you keep your driver’s license properly updated with your current address. Florida law requires this but most people feel it is inconvenient to make address changes on their driver’s licenses each time they move. Failure to keep a correct mailing address with the Department of Motor Vehicles ultimately prevents you from being forewarned about pending driver’s license suspensions. The State of Florida gives you advance warning of pending driver’s license suspensions and will allow you a three week period to correct the problem before the pending driver’s license suspension takes effect. As long as you clear the pending problem, the driver’s license suspension can be averted. This may require quick action in order to meet court requirements and may also involve the payment of late fees and driver’s license suspension clearance fees. Consult a Fort Lauderdale suspended license defense attorney immediately if you receive a driver’s license suspension notice from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Continuing to drive after you driver’s license has been suspended can subject you to arrest and incarceration.